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The Best Productivity Apps For Mompreneurs

As a stay-at-home mom, the only time I get during the day to actually sit in front of my laptop to work on my business is during naptime. Otherwise, I'm chasing my 1-year old twins around (or vice versa). It's fine though, I just end up doing most of my work on my phone, usually while my girls are ... READ the POST

8 Ways To Handle Mom Guilt By Practicing Self-Care

When my twins were four months old, my husband gave me a spa package for my birthday. As a first-time-mom, it had been a challenging few months of adjustment for me. Of course, I was excited about self-care and me-time. But then I started to feel guilty about being away from the babies for a few ... READ the POST

Top 10 Pregnancy Apps For Expecting Moms

Every week while I was pregnant with my twins, my work colleagues would come up to me and ask, “How big are the twins now?” To which I would reply, “Oh you know, the size of a [insert vegetable here].” Thanks to some great pregnancy apps, I was able to keep track of the babies’ growth in terms of ... READ the POST